
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Goodbye Blogger

A few days ago I mentioned that there were some changes coming up and I'm really very excited to be able to share with you that one of these changes is ready.

You will have noticed that I haven't been posting quite as much on Practical Cookie recently. It's taken a while but finally I can share the reason with you! I'm very excited to announce that the reason for this was because I've been working on a new web site! Many of you will know that I love to take online courses and after taking an online course on Web Development, I decided to put what I had learnt into practice and actually build a web site. 

While deciding on a website name, I thought of a name that I absolutely fell in love with as it pretty much sums me up. This means that the new blog and website will have a new name. However, the essence of my stories and blog posts won't change - I'll still share a bit about my general life, share my pictures and share what it's like navigating the world as a female engineer.

It's been a fantastic time blogging and learning about the blogging world with Practical Cookie. After 2 years and 9 months of blogging here, it's been a wonderful journey and I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts as much as I enjoyed putting them together! I will be leaving all of my posts as they are here,for now, so you'll still be able to see the old posts. For the new posts, however, you'll need to look somewhere different.

This is most likely my last post on Practical Cookie, but I really hope that you'll follow me across to my new website Breaking the Mould! It's been a long time in the pipeline, but now it's time to take the plunge, spread my wings and try something different, so enjoy!

For updates, you can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Change is in the Air

Hello strangers! Blogging has certainly taken a back seat this year, but that's not to say that life hasn't been interesting. In fact, these first few months of 2016 have been incredibly busy and exciting. As I mentioned in my last post, change is very definitely in the air and I'm really looking forward to sharing these changes with you - they're almost ready so watch this space! You'll soon understand where all my blogging time has been going recently!

In the mean time, it seems like the only time I get to blog these days is when I'm in another country! I've just finished off a work trip in Singapore and I must say, it's great to be home! I don't think I've had a chilled weekend at home since we got back from holidays in January - it seems like every weekend we've had exciting, fun things to do (work travel, weddings, the Grape Escape, road trips and showing foreigners around Cape Town). It's all been a lot of fun but after almost 3 months of non-stop busyness, the introvert in me is crying out for a few days where I don't have to see anyone (bar those closest to me), make polite conversation or plan anything. Once I've done that I'm sure I'll start to feel slightly more normal again!

With all this travelling I've been doing, I thought I'd share a few of my favourite things about travelling:
  • Sunrise or sunset from the air.
  • The "stars" in the Emirates overnight flights.
  • Being exposed to new people and new cultures.
  • And getting exposed to new ways of looking at the world and seeing how people from other countries solve problems differently.
  • Getting to see (and photograph) fun new things.
Here is a sneak peak of some of the pictures from my Singapore trip - keep an eye out for the full range of them coming soon.

Sunset from the airplane
Sunset from the air.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel at night
Singapore trip - Marina Bay Sands Hotel.
Bridge lit up at night with rainbow lights
Singapore trip - Bright bridges at night.