
Monday, 5 May 2014

Bloglovin - Lunch Hour Reading

It's been a crazy week for me and I haven't had much time to do any blogging. So while I get back into the swing of things, check out some of these sites for some different blogs and interesting information.

My favourite blogger is launching her own website, so you can take a look here. And definitely check out her cards - original, funny and appealing on so many levels! This letter to blogspot made me a little sad, but at the same time, so incredibly excited to follow the next steps!

Blogging takes a lot of time - so it's incredibly admirable that Mrs D is attempting to do this - head over to her blog to see why and while learning about her first memories, think about your own first memories.

Amble over to Picking Up Stompies to read some short and sweet posts if you only have a few minutes of reading time.

I have lots to share with you, so keep your eyes peeled for some new posts from me!

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