
Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Procrastination List

So, now that I've hit the 1 year mark with Practical Cookie, I seem to have hit a rut in terms of my blogging. I thought instead of trying to think up new posts, I would share what I do when I'm procrastinating trying to think up new posts:

  • Trying my best to finish this course from Udacity (a site which offers free and paid courses on a variety of topics). I'm on to the final strait but every time I think I've solved the problem, the automatic markers returns my code with a message saying that my code doesn't work for a certain code case. I've been stuck on this for about a week and just want to get it working so I can start my next course!
  • Getting completely and utterly lost in the world of words (aka reading).
  • Preparing for and getting ready to finish off the HCD course that we started a while back as a team building exercise for EWB-WC.
  • Sleeping. Or else thinking about sleeping.
  • Cooking because I'm going away this weekend with a bunch of people and I'm sorting out dinner for Friday night.
  • Watching cool plays (like Oklahoma at the ArtScape Theatre) and going out to dinner with visiting friends and cooking dinner for other friends.
Hopefully I'll have an epiphany be back to more consistent posting soon!

blowing snow in the air

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