
Thursday, 9 October 2014

Guest Post: Engineering In Style

To borrow a term from one of my favourite bloggers:
"You Guys!"
I am really excited about today's guest post - it's the first guest post on Practical Cookie that is written by other bloggers, so I hope you enjoy it! This is an intro to their blog and I will be posting other guest posts by them in the coming weeks - so don't forget to come back to find out more about the two lovely ladies at Engineering In Style. And if you pop across to their blog in the next 24 hours, you should find a familiar face there!

Hi Everyone! 

We are Katherine and Samhita. We blog over at Engineering In Style! We both live in the beautiful city of Chicago and work as Engineers by day.  We decided to start a blog a year ago (celebrated our first birthday earlier this week!) because we wanted to change the way people viewed engineers. We love our jobs (most of the time), but we also have a pretty incredible life outside of work.  We felt that blogging would be the best platform to spread our message and reach the most number of people.  Through blogging we have met people from all around the world (such as Cath!) and have had a chance to interact with other women engineers who share similar stories and experiences as us. In the next few weeks we’ll be sharing with you what we each do at work, what we love and hate about our jobs, and why we absolutely love living in Chicago. Feel free to reach out to us via twitter @EngineerInStyle. Look forward to hearing from you!

Samhita & Katherine

Sumhita and Katherine

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