
Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Quote #2: Man's Mind Stretched...

Practical Cookie Wise Words Wednesdays Week 2
I really love this quote for it's sense of just how much our minds change when they are challenged to literally stretch themselves. It emphasises how important continual learning is and how it can impact our lives.

Recently, I've really been enjoying learning and reading about things that challenge my preconceived notions on certain topics. While not all of the things affect me directly, they affect my perception of a bigger story or let me see an event from a different perspective. As a voracious reader, I've always enjoyed learning from stories and the wonderful ability of stories to let you see one event from multiple perspectives. I also think that seeing a story, whether it's a story in a book or an actual event in real life, from various perspectives is definitely something that helps to stretch your mind.

The other thing that has been stretching my mind recently has been learning new programming skills. I've really enjoyed having a couple of courses on the go and being back in an academic environment and learning these new skills is also helping to stretch my mind and is giving me lots of ideas for other possible applications that I can apply these skills to!

What has stretched your mind recently?

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