
Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Quote #4: I Hated Every...

Practical Cookie Wise Words Wednesdays Week 4

On Monday and Tuesday of this last week, I attended First Aid Training Level 1 with MEC in Pinelands which I really enjoyed. It was great being able to learn some new skills and get out of the office for a few days, but as you can tell from my lack of posts last week, I've had a busy last two weeks or so...

Anyway, part of the training was allowing us time to practice the things that the trainers were teaching us. And it wasn't just 5 minutes to practice after they had demonstrated something. They gave us a good hour of practice for each demonstrated thing and then at the end of the day we had a practical "exam" where we had to demonstrate the activities again. This got me thinking on the importance of training.

All those hours, spent practising the same thing over and over again. It sometimes get monotonous. But it also starts to hard-wire those activities into our brains so that, when the time comes and we need to perform that activity in real life, we can do it automatically, without thinking and with speed. Pretty important when you're dealing with an emergency situation... It's an important lesson to learn, but definitely a worthwhile one, I think!

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