
Monday, 21 December 2015

'Tis the Season

It's less than a week until Christmas - can you believe it? At the beginning of last week, my manager mentioned to me that support was all under control and I didn't need to come in to work on Monday and Tuesday next week if I didn't want to and would I like to take those two days off as well. After thinking about it for a while, checking what is coming up and what I need to prepare for next year, I decided that since I had some extra days of leave saved up, I thought I might as well take them and I'll just work extra hard to get as much as possible done before I head off on Friday (best Christmas present ever - 2 days of extra holiday!).

I always love this time of the year, it's probably my favourite holiday and so, I thought I'd share some of my favourite things about Christmas:

  • Decorating the Christmas tree (with Christmas Carols as background music).
  • Finishing off Christmas shopping and then spending an afternoon or two wrapping presents (while listening to Chrismas Carols).
  • Time spent catching up with family and friends - since we live so far away from home, any family time is extra-precious.
  • Swimming costumes and long summers days spent at the pool or beach.
  • Ice creams, watermelon, G&Ts.
  • Christmas carols - the old stuff, the new stuff and Carols by Candlelight.
  • Delicious food (my folks make the best Christmas ham you'll ever eat!)
  • Having a bit of time to just chill and think and reflect.
What are some of your favourite things about Christmas?

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